MW helps fundraise
This past Saturday we had a fundraiser for a local school here in Sherwood Park — École Claudette-et-Denis-Tardif. Though we didn’t have as many people as we hoped we would, it was still a very fun time and we won over many new fans.
The Mutate and Battle cards can be very funny sometimes! Or maybe Lyne is laughing about the misery she can inflict on her opponents’ creatures.
Here are some discussions of strategy with a few new players. The first time anyone plays is often the most difficult as there are so many different cards with distinct effects and strengths. This leads to many possible strategies — often depending on how your creature, as well as those of your opponents, have been developed.
Patrick uses a Mutate Yourself IV — change one of your creature’s body parts for one on your opponent’s creature — against Suzanne. Here he steals a red Stinger from her red body and replaces it with a blue Pain Receptors. Ouch!
Steve was feeling good for his attack against François (12 to 9). But then François played Entangle and tied up Steve’s Tentacles and Stinger (-2 Attack to both) giving him the victory (8 to 9) and allowing him to steal one of Steve’s cards.