Mutation Wars is born!
Driving late into the night as we returned from a family trip to Yellowstone National Park, the vehicle was quiet as everyone slept but me. The air-conditioning and music were on to keep me awake but it was still getting difficult to keep my eyes open. My mind wandered as I tried to think of things to stay vigilant. In the next few hours the idea for Mutation Wars was born.
I am a computer programmer and I like my job. I find that my work is similar to the logic puzzles I loved when I was younger. I have two great kids – twins – and I love playing with them. When we go on “adventures” I try to come up with little problems, riddles and games that they have to solve. As they grow and the adventures become more complex I find that I like them more and more. Maybe I could make some games for other people as well…
I decided to try making video games. It didn’t take long to realize that a one-person team was under-equipped for the level of games I had in mind. I could handle the programming and functionality of the game but the amount of art required was mind-boggling. I had hoped that my wife – an amazing graphic designer/artist/photographer – could help me in that aspect of the game but she is already very busy and has a lot of her own personal projects. With a whimper my video game dreams faded away.
So now I am trying to make a board game.